

The WI has been inspiring women for over 100 years and started in 1915 to revitalise rural communities and encourage women to become more involved in producing food during the First World War, to give woman a voice and be a force of good in the community.

Today, they are the largest women’s organisation in the UK and pride themselves on being a trusted place for all women to share experiences and learn from each other.
Belper WI started over 50 years ago on the 22nd of October 1970.  They are part of the Derbyshire Federation of Women’s institutes. Derbyshire has over 4,000 members in 148 WI groups.

Meet WI Wyn

WI Wyn, Belper WI’s mascot was donated to us by Wyn Edwards.  Wyn was a member of Belper WI for many years and in August 2015 celebrated her 100th birthday at a Belper WI meeting. 

The event was attended by the local radio station, Radio Derby.   

On 19th August Wyn co-presented a show on the same radio station and gave a talk on her long life. 

Wyn died in July 2017 age 102.  A truly remarkable woman.

Wyn Edwards 100th Birthday
Wyn Edwards

Below are some photos of our mascot WI Wyn, firstly on her way to a WI meeting carrying her Derbyshire Link magazine, then in the garden relaxing and taking time to smell the roses, something we all should do from time to time.